Client Quote #28: bmi
Oh the BMI. Using the BMI to assess your health is like… saying if someone has hair they must be healthy. Does it give us SOME information about the individual, sure. Does it tell us much about health, not at all.
The BMI has already been widely regarded and acknowledged in healthcare as an INACCURATE measure of body composition and health alone.
Health practitioners use it as part of a very large puzzle in assessing wellness. We also look at vitals, lab work, mental health, genetics, activity level and an array of other pieces of information. Especially in ED treatment, we know that food IS medicine. So if there are ongoing ED behaviours, then getting adequate nutrition will always be a priority.
You can be at a “normal” BMI and be very sick. You can be at a higher BMI and be perfectly healthy. The path of recovery looks after health and wellness, not the thin-ideal 🤨