ABBY Nutrition Counseling

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Client Quote #10: Fear of Bread

This was said after the patient was able to have bread, white bread, for the first time in a long time. They certainly enjoyed it, but not without guilt afterwards at first.

They thought bread was bad, but is it? Can we humour the opposite thought for a second, that Bread Is Not Bad.

Ok, how could that be true? That bread is not bad?

Let’s see...bread contains carbohydrates which our body and brain love to use as fuel. When your body is fuelled you have energy to do things you like, even sleeping and scrolling uses energy. And fun fact, white bread is fortified with iron in Canada and iron preserves many vital functions in the body. All in all, not a bad thing, do you agree?

If your ED is jumping in with “BuT ToO MuCh Is BaD”. You can question that too. Because the reality is probably because you’ve been deprived, so the fear is strong since the craving is strong. Stick to honouring your needs and trust your body to keep you safe 🍞💕